Summer Activities
From amongst the multitude of possible destinations and attractions in the region, we would like to recommend the following:
Buchacker Eishöhle Natural Monument (Buchacker Ice Cave)
At an elevation of 1,520 m, Buchacker, Angerberg's mountain, features the only ice cave and stalactites in the northern Tyrol.
The Buchacker Ice Cave has been environmentally protected since 1956. Explore the cave and its stalactite formations in the company of a professional guide. In any case, bring a hat and gloves! In the ice cave temperatures hover around zero, even in the summer.
You can find exact directions on how to get there on the Wanderkarte Hohe Salve interactive hiker's map.
The Adlerweg (Eagle's Way) - The Tyrol’s Most Famous Trail
The 4th stage of the Tyrolean Adlerweg, which begins in Kufstein, ends by our hotel. Click on the following link for all the information on this stage:
After spending a night at our hotel, the next day we will take you to the starting point of the 5th stage, in Schönau, so you can start a new adventure-packed day well rested!
Wild Gorges and Quiet Valleys
Just a few km away you will find wild ravines and quiet valleys offering highly recommended excursion sites.
The nearby Kundler Klamm (Kundler Gorge), according to legend created by an enraged dragon, presents a tranquil and idyllic landscape that beckons to be explored.
Daring hikers, without a fear of heights, and nature lovers will find unforgettable outdoor adventures in the wild Kaiserklamm (Emperor's Gorge) and in the Tiefenbachklamm (Deep Stream Gorge).
A completely intact ecosystem awaits you at the Kaisertal (Emperor’s Valley) Nature Reserve near Kufstein. Hiking in the valley is easy, but you do need to be in fairly good shape to cross the whole distance on foot. The Kaiseraufstieg (Emperor's Ascent) begins at Ebbs-Eichelwang, with approximately 280 stairs and a rise of almost 200 meters. Those who climb the steps are rewarded with breathtaking views.
You can find more information about the routes mentioned above, and other tourism destinations, at the hotel itself or here, on the TVB Alpbach-Seenland website.
Refreshing Mountain Lakes
No summer is complete without a plunge into some cool water. At the same time, enjoy dreamy mountain views reflected in the lakes around you.
A secret harboured by the locals: visit the little Stimmersee (Lake Stimmer), on the slopes of Mount Pendling, where dogs are also welcome.
With its excellent water quality, the Hechtsee (Pike Lake), is considered one of the most popular swimming sites in the area. The Hechtsee is also great for fishing and sailing.
A beautiful path runs between the two lakes.
Don't forget the Reintalersee (Reintal Lake), the Krummsee (Arched Lake) and the Berglsteinersee (Berglsteiner Lake), along with many other small, hidden ones. Many of them are so secluded that they can only be reached by following tips given by the locals. Just ask us and we'll give you information about the most beautiful spots!
Sports, Play and Fun
The tourist region of Hohe Salve and the Schneerosental biotype offer a wide range of games, sports and adventures for both adults and children.
Here are some examples:
- Natural climbing park in Kramsach - fun and action in nature – for visitors who are not afraid of heights www.outdoorcenter-kramsach.com.
- Climbing trees in Oberaudorf, with countless outdoor adventure opportunities: www.waldseilgarten-oberaudorf.de.
- Adventure-packed canoeing and rafting trips. An unforgettable shot of adrenaline.
- Segway and Segway X-Cross tours. Fun riding, in the company of expert guides.
- Archery Horseback riding Guided rides
- And much more!
Cultural Experiences
There are numerous opportunities for people with cultural interests.
Visit the Glasbläserstadt Rattenberg, a city boasting a rich glass blowing tradition. With just 400 inhabitants, it is the smallest city in Austria and known both for its medieval atmosphere and its artistic legacy, based on blowing and decorating glass.
The Festung Kufstein (Kufstein Fortress), a major historical monument in the city of Kufstein, attracts tourists throughout the year with its wide range of cultural events, from classical music, to live rock, to opera, and much more. A special children's program transports younger visitors back to remote times.
A stroll through the Tiroler Bauernhöfe (Tyrolean Farms) Museum gives visitors a look at farm life and crafts from bygone eras. The variety of things to see and participate in will surprise both young people and adults alike.
How would you like to visit the Riedel Glashütte (Glass House of Riedel), the Zeiss-Planetarium (Zeiss Planetarium), Swarovski Kristallwelten in Wattens (Swarovski Crystal World in Wattens) or the Silberbergwerk (Silver Mine) in Schwaz?
Aside from the above examples, there are many more sites to explore around the hotel.
The Way of Saint James: Prompting Reflection
The Way of Saint James (Jakobsweg) is also part of Tyrolean history. Following in the footsteps of the pilgrims, at the baroque Mariastein Church you will find an ideal place to meditate and reflect. Enjoy tranquillity and balance, in harmony with nature, while walking the Way of St. James. Did you know that we are an official lodge for its pilgrims?
www.jakobsweg-tirol.net / www.mariastein.com
Information and References
Here you will find more information about the tourism and leisure opportunities in Angerberg and its surrounding area: www.angerberg.at/aktivitaeten.php / www.hohe-salve.com